Strategic asset allocation

Asset mix Benchmark % Permitted range %
Australian shares 19.0 10 - 45%
Overseas shares 19.0 10 - 30%
Cash 17.0 0 - 30%
Fixed interest 16.0 10 - 50%
Infrastructure 10.0 0 - 20%
Property 10.0 0 - 20%
Credit 9.0 0 - 20%
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The Trustee may adjust the asset mix or vary the investment strategy from time to time.


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Historic annual returns

Year ending 30 June

Compound returns (per annum)

to 31 December

Please refer to the disclaimers and assumptions below.

Time period
Date range
Rotate device for better view
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Please refer to the disclaimers and assumptions below.

Latest unit price at 6/2/2025

FYTD return
Buy price
Sell price
For full history of unit prices download the CSV file
Download (CSV)

Please refer to the disclaimers and assumptions below.