The graph allows you to compare the return from the MySuper balanced option to the return target over a 10-year period.
Past performance is not an indication of future returns.
The blue bars show the annual returns of the MySuper balanced option as an annual percentage earned over one year and as a rolling ten-year return to 30 June of each year. The returns are net of taxation, administration and investment fees and other costs.
Illustrated by the pink line, the Ten-year return is the return (net of taxation, administration and investment fees and other costs) calculated using the returns for each of the years in the ten-year period.
Illustrated by the light blue line, the Ten-year return target is the rolling ten-year target return (net of taxation, administration and investment fees and other costs) plus growth in the consumer price index (CPI) and is calculated using the target returns for each year in the prior ten-year period.